On January 22, around 30 members from ASEZ STAR, the Church of God Student Volunteer Group, conducted a traffic safety campaign near Segok Middle School and Pungmun High School in Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Korea. The initiative aimed to raise public awareness of traffic safety and prevent accidents in school zones.

The campaign was carried out in partnership with the Daewang Police Station and the Segok 119 Safety Center, with patrol cars accompanying the volunteers to ensure their safety. The members held panels with messages such as “Follow the lanes with a right mind, obey traffic signals,” “Safe driving: stop, look, and confirm,” and “Keeping traffic rules is everyone’s promise.” These messages raised awareness of traffic safety among citizens and promoted safer driving habits. Drivers responded positively, slowing down and giving thumbs-up gestures in support of the campaign.

Following the campaign, ASEZ STAR members also conducted a cleanup. They collected various trash such as plastic cups, bags, and cigarette butts, from the vicinity of the Segok Middle School and the Pungmun High School. Their swift efforts left the streets noticeably cleaner.
Won Jeong-gyu, 19, expressed his pride in participating, saying, “I felt proud to conduct a traffic safety campaign as a member of ASEZ STAR. I will continue to participate in meaningful activities during my remaining time before graduation.”