We practice environmental protection, starting with ourselves and within our schools. Students lead sustainability campaigns, focusing on saving water and power and promoting low-impact lifestyles to address climate change.
Saving Power
Turn Off Lights
Turn Off Power Strips
Saving Water
Use a Cup While Brushing Your Teeth
Turn Off the Faucet
Low-Impact Lifestyle
Sort Waste
Zero Food Leftover
Use a Handkerchief
Bring Your Cup
‘How Much Carbon Dioxide Can I Reduce?’
Please join us for sustainability campaigns!
Please check all the items that you can practice from the list below.
Action Items
Carbon Dioxide Reduction
Effect of Planting 30-Year-Old Pine Trees
STEP 1Saving Power
Turn Off Lights
Reduction of 0.424 kg (0.934 lb) of CO₂Effect of Planting 0.1 Tree
Turn off standby power when not in use.
Reduction of 2 kg (4.4 lbs) of CO₂Effect of Planting 0.5 Tree
Turn off standby power when not in use.
STEP 2Saving Water
Use a Cup While Brushing Your Teeth
Reduction of 6.9 kg (15.2 lbs) of CO₂Effect of Planting 2 Trees
Use a cup when brushing your teeth.
Turn Off the Faucet
Reduction of 18.9 kg (41.7 lbs) of CO₂Effect of Planting 3 Trees
Turn off the faucet while lathering your hands.
STEP 3Low-Impact Lifestyle
Sort Waste
Reduction of 0.75 kg (1.65 lbs) of CO₂Effect of Planting 0.2 Tree
Separate and dispose of bottles, cans, plastics, paper, etc.
Zero Food Leftover
Reduction of 6.2 kg (13.7 lbs) of CO₂Effect of Planting 2 Trees
Prepare only what you’ll eat to avoid leftovers.
Use a Handkerchief
Reduction of 10.5 kg (23.1 lbs) of CO₂Effect of Planting 2 Trees
Use a personal handkerchief instead of disposable tissues or hand dryers.
Bring Your Cup
Reduction of 3.5 kg (7.7 lbs) of CO₂Effect of Planting 2 Trees
Using a personal cup instead of a paper cup.
Even at this moment,
ASEZ STAR around the world is practicing together!
(Real-Time Tracking of Actions)
Turn Off Lights
Use a Cup While Brushing Your Teeth
Turn Off the Faucet
Sort Waste
Zero Food Leftover
Use a Handkerchief
Bring Your Cup
Did you practice the mission today? If you did, check it!